Guide Policy

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Spearhead Huts Society Guide Policy

Adopted: January 21, 2025
Next Review:  January, 2026

A. Introduction

The Spearhead Huts Society (SHS) wishes to have a good relationship with the guiding community and provide fair access to hut resources.

B. Registration

To be eligible for early booking privileges, a guide must register with SHS. To register, a guide must provide complete contact information (full name, email, phone number, and outfit/company that employs the guide, if applicable). A guide must provide a copy of a valid Park Use Permit for Garibaldi Park issued by BC Parks to be eligible.

C. Guide Promo Codes

Guides whose registrations are approved by the SHS will receive a “Promo Code”.   Promo Codes allow guides to make advance bookings of our huts up to 90 days in advance through our booking software.  Spearhead Huts Promo Codes are unique for each guide and guiding company and are not to be shared.

D. Booking 

  • A registered guide must may make bookings on using a “Promo Code” issued by SHS 

  • A Guided Party is limited to 6 guests (plus one guide for a total of seven)

  • A Guided Party that is larger than 6+1 is an exception to policy. Exceptions to policy are approved by the SHS board on a case by case basis. The board meets monthly. 

  • One Registered Guide may stay at the hut, free of charge, for each booking.

  • The cost for clients in a Guided Party is $60 per bunk, per night

  • If a client of a Guided Party is a member of the BCMC, ACC Vancouver Section, or ACC Whistler Section, that person is eligible for a discount of $10 per bunk, per night.

  • Guest contact information (full name, email, and contact telephone numbers) must be provided upon booking, if known. 

  • A Registered Guide may hold bunk nights for spots that haven’t been sold yet, but full names, emails, and contact numbers are to be provided when the spots are sold. 

  • A Registered Guide must provide contact information for all clients in a Guided Party at least seven days prior to the trip starting date to secure the spots. Spots on the trip that are not sold may be released to the public if not secured.

E. Payment

  • Bunk space may be secured with a payment of $1.00 per person, per bunk, per night

  • After making payment, an automatic email is sent acknowledging the booking request and indicating the status is “confirmation pending”. 

  • A SHS Reservation Agent will review booking requests from Registered Guides and back to you with the total price, an invoice, and a payment request. 

  • Once this invoice is paid in full, the status of your booking changes from “confirmation pending” to “confirmed”.

F. Cancellation

  • Any requests to cancel (or reduce the number of clients in a Guided Party) must be made by email by sending a message to

  • If a cancellation (or reduction in party size) is more than 30 days in advance, the Registered Guide is eligible for a full refund less a 10% admin fee. If less than 30 days in advance of the first night, 100% of fees are forfeited.

  • At any time, a Registered Guide can extend your trip (provided that space is available)

G. Expectations while at the hut 

  • Registered Guides will receive a password to access the Starlink internet. The internet is for “business purposes” (checking weather and avalanche forecast information).

  • Please do not share the password with your guests or use the internet for leisure and recreation purposes.

  • Due to very limited space constraints we cannot allow guides to store equipment at the hut. Pack it in, pack it out.

  • Guests who are part of guided groups are held to the same standards of cleanliness as regular guests. 

  • Guides are expected to reasonably contribute to custodial duties even when a custodian/hut steward is on duty. 

    Examples of hut custodian duties include:

  • If the ski rack is getting buried in the snow, dig it out and replace it on a higher spot

  • Clear the deck of snow as needed

  • Kitchen

    • Ensure all surfaces are clean and sanitized at the end of the day

    • Put away dishes

    • Refill soaps, bleach bottles, and hand sanitizer as needed

    • Ensure proper airflow during cooking to prevent excess moisture

    • Bring any broken glass to the basement and place in the broken glass bin

  • Water

    • Ensure the snow water collection area is clearly marked and remind guests not to urinate or put grey water outside

    • Have guests follow snow melt and water treatment instructions as explained in posted signs

    • Keep an eye on the pots so they don’t end up boiling unnecessarily 

    • Turn off the snow melt stove when leaving the hut and before going to sleep

    • Keep the area around the snowmelt station as dry as possible

  • Bunk Area

    • Ensure it is tidy and free of food and debris

  • Vestibule and Drying Room

    • Mop up water as needed

H. Risk Management 

  • Guides are expected to provide support in the event of an emergency as is reasonable and prudent

  • SHS will communicate with clients of a Guided Party for the purpose of obtaining signatures on the SHS waiver

  • To manage liability and risk, SHS will ask Registered Guides for:

    • SHS to be named in the waiver use with their clients

    • SHS be a named insured on the Certificate of Insurance